Summer School
Summer School Reader's Theater Programs
Our Top Stories Ideally Packaged for Easy Implementation
Multi-Story Kits
Summer Reader's Theater Programs
Reader's Theater is perfect for Summer Programs. It’s a research-based, easy-to-implement, fun, and engaging reading enrichment activity in the form of scripts/plays that do not require memorization, props, or a stage. Students love it, and it promotes cooperative interaction with peers and makes the reading task appealing.
We have assembled collections of the top Playbooks® stories into "Bundle Kits" along with everything you need for a successful Reader's Theater program with special discounted pricing for the sets!
In a study of summer school outcomes with Playbooks®, “over 85% of students either maintained or increased their reading levels in just 6 weeks! Over 1/3 of these students actually INCREASED their reading levels during this time and avoided summer reading loss with Playbooks® Reader’s Theater!”
Summer Programs
Our standard program is a -week Programs but they can be customized for 4 or 6 weeks. Our Programs can include fun fiction stories with a twist or incorporate areas like social emotional learning, math, science, health and sports or music.
For a 5-week reading program, these kits allow every student to have the opportunity to…
* Read 5 different plays in a small non-threatening group
* Read 5 different roles and repeat them 3-4 times each to quickly build reading fluency
* Perform 1 play in front of other peer groups
* Watch 4 other peer groups perform 4 other plays
* Build reading fluency, comprehension, confidence, and speaking skills and BEST OF ALL, have FUN!!!
Full of Implementation Tools & Extras!
Each Bundle Kit includes 10 Story Titles, and a Teacher's Guidebook which includes:
Teacher's Guide
Quick-Start Implementation Instructions
Step-by-Step Implementation Instructions
Pre and Post-Assessment Module
Recommended Reader Assignment Forms for Each Story
Award Certificates
Reading Level Correlation to Fountas & Pinell, Reading Recovery, DRA, and Lexile
Links to all Reprintables online
Links to Online Implementation Videos
Links to Supplemental Activity Worksheets
Links to Staff Training Webinars
And even more online tools....
* For printed sets, each story set includes a book copy for the recommended number of readers based on each story's number of characters plus an extra copy for the teacher. This is 5-10 copies depending on the story.